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Counter Tutorial

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to build and deploy a cross-chain counter. The cross-chain counter lets users update the value of the counter on one chain from another.

Code Walkthrough

You can find the code for this tutorial in the SocketDL-examples GitHub repo. This example inherits the PlugBase contract, which is a boilerplate contract with key functions {WIP: Link it} needed to interact with Socket. Plugs may use PlugBase to abstract these functions, or directly define them in their contract.

The Cross-chain Counter has 2 key functions :

  1. setRemoteNumber

    • setRemoteNumber takes newNumber and toChainSlug parameters. This function calls outbound method on Socket which initiates the cross-chain message to update the counter value on the destination chain
    newNumber_ is the value the counter will be set to
    toChainSlug_ is the chain ID of the destination chain
    function setRemoteNumber(
    uint256 newNumber_,
    uint256 toChainSlug_
    ) external payable {
    _outbound(toChainSlug_, destGasLimit, msg.value, abi.encode(newNumber_));

  2. _receiveInbound

  • Socket calls the inbound function on PlugBase when relaying messages on destination chain. inbound calls the _receiveInbound method which decodes the number from the payload and sets the local chain counter value to the number received in the message. More on this in message receiving lifecycle.

    function inbound(
    uint256 siblingChainSlug_,
    bytes calldata payload_
    ) external payable {
    require(msg.sender == address(socket), "no auth");
    _receiveInbound(siblingChainSlug_, payload_);
        function _receiveInbound(
    bytes memory payload_
    ) internal virtual override {
    uint256 newNumber = abi.decode(payload_, (uint256));


Local Environment (Foundry)

  • Clone the GitHub repo and run forge install
  • To compile and deploy the Counter example, run the following command
    forge create --rpc-url <RPC> \
    --constructor-args <SOCKET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS> \
    --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> \


  • The counter example can be loaded onto Remix from here

Constructor Arguments

  • The counter example takes Socket address as an argument, which can be found in deployments

    This example can be deployed on any supported testnets or mainnets. In this tutorial, we'll be deploying the Counters on the following two chains, Polygon and Optimism :

    ChainSocket address

Configuring Plugs

As described in the Getting Started section, Plugs must connect to Socket before they can send/receive messages between one another. After deploying the Counter contract on Polygon and Optimism, we need to initiate a connect() transaction on respective chains.

The script for making this transaction can be found here. This step calls the connect method on Socket with the following parameters. {WIP: Link it}

For Polygon, the values are :

siblingPlugAddress of Counter on Optimism

For Optimism, the values are :

siblingPlugAddress of Counter on Polygon

This connection is required on each respective chain a Plug receives/sends messages between. Once the connection step is complete, you can verify the connection was successful by calling the getPlugConfig method on Socket. This is a view function that returns the config of the plug.

Setting Counter value on remote chain

For this tutorial, we'll be setting Counter value on Polygon to 55 from Optimism. To do this, we call the setRemoteNumber() function on our Counter deployed on Polygon. The script for making this transaction can be found here.

// Script will be here as well

The parameter values when calling this function on Optimism are :


This sends a message payload from Optimism to Polygon with the number 55 encoded in payload. This number is decoded from the payload on the destination Counter and set as the new Counter value.

Tracking status of message

To track the status of any outbound message can be tracked with the status API. Learn more in the Status API {WIP : link it}

Message delivery to set Counter value

Once the packet is verified, Socket sends the message payload to the remote Counter on Polygon. It calls the inbound function on the remote Counter, which decodes the newNumber from the payload and sets it on the local chain. Find a detailed explanation of this in the Receiving message lifecycle.

The value of Counter on Polygon can be checked using this script // Add script to check the new counter value

Once the payload is sent to the remote Counter, message execution is marked complete.

You're Plugged!

You've successfully built and deployed a Plug! Explore more examples & participate in Surge!