PacketNotProposed() | 0x1c936052 | Error emitted when a packet has not been proposed & message is tried for execution |
InvalidPacketId() | 0xb21147c1 | Proposed packetId is invalid |
InvalidProof() | 0x09bde339 | Proof of message inclusion for a given packetId is invalid |
MessageAlreadyExecuted() | 0x7448c64c | Message has already been executed |
NotExecutor() | 0xc32d1d76 | Emitted when caller of execute method on Socket does not have EXECUTOR_ROLE |
VerificationFailed() | 0x439cc0cd | Packet verification failed on Switchboard |
ErrInSourceValidation() | 0xb39fb5d5 | Error emitted when source chainSlug deduced from packetId and msgId don't match |
LowGasLimit() | 0xd38edae0 | Gas Limit set for message execution is not sufficient to cover execution cost |
SwitchboardExists() | 0x2dff8555 | Switchboard being registered on Socket already exists |
InvalidConnection() | 0x63228f29 | Switchboard passed by Plug during connection does not exist |
NoPermit(bytes32) | 0x962f6333 | Error message thrown when an address does not have permission to execute a function with onlyRole modifier |
OnlySocket() | 0x503284dc | Error triggered when not called by Socket |
MsgValueTooLow() | 0x508aaf00 | Execution fees paid to EXECUTOR for message execution on destination chain are insufficient to cover gas fees |
MsgValueTooHigh() | 0x5dffc92f | Fees set for message delivery on outbound method are too high |
PayloadTooLarge() | 0x492f620d | Emitted when payload length is too large |
InsufficientFees() | 0x8d53e553 | Fees set for message delivery on outbound method are insufficient |
AlreadyAttested() | 0x35d90805 | Emitted when root is already attested by a WATCHER |
PlugDisconnected() | 0xe741bafb | Error emitted when siblingPlug connection is not found |