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Switchboards are required to have this interface to interact with Socket

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

* @title ISwitchboard
* @dev The interface for a switchboard contract that is responsible for verification of packets between
* different blockchain networks.
interface ISwitchboard {
* @notice Registers itself in Socket for given `siblingChainSlug_`.
* @dev This function is expected to be only called by admin as it handles the capacitor config for given chain
* @param siblingChainSlug_ The slug of the sibling chain to register switchboard with.
* @param maxPacketLength_ The maximum length of a packet allowed by the switchboard.
* @param capacitorType_ The type of capacitor that the switchboard uses.
* @param initialPacketCount_ The packet count at the time of registering switchboard. Packets with packet count below this won't be allowed
* @param siblingSwitchboard_ The switchboard address deployed on `siblingChainSlug_`
function registerSiblingSlug(
uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
uint256 maxPacketLength_,
uint256 capacitorType_,
uint256 initialPacketCount_,
address siblingSwitchboard_
) external;

* @notice Updates the sibling switchboard for given `siblingChainSlug_`.
* @dev This function is expected to be only called by admin
* @param siblingChainSlug_ The slug of the sibling chain to register switchboard with.
* @param siblingSwitchboard_ The switchboard address deployed on `siblingChainSlug_`
function updateSibling(
uint32 siblingChainSlug_,
address siblingSwitchboard_
) external;

* @notice Checks if a packet can be allowed to go through the switchboard.
* @param root the packet root.
* @param packetId The unique identifier for the packet.
* @param proposalCount The unique identifier for a proposal for the packet.
* @param srcChainSlug The unique identifier for the source chain of the packet.
* @param proposeTime The time when the packet was proposed.
* @return A boolean indicating whether the packet is allowed to go through the switchboard or not.
function allowPacket(
bytes32 root,
bytes32 packetId,
uint256 proposalCount,
uint32 srcChainSlug,
uint256 proposeTime
) external view returns (bool);

* @notice Retrieves the minimum fees required for the destination chain to process the packet.
* @param dstChainSlug the unique identifier for the destination chain of the packet.
* @return switchboardFee the switchboard fee required for the destination chain to process the packet.
* @return verificationOverheadFees the verification fee required for the destination chain to process the packet.
function getMinFees(
uint32 dstChainSlug
returns (uint128 switchboardFee, uint128 verificationOverheadFees);

* @notice Receives the fees for processing of packet.
* @param siblingChainSlug_ the chain slug of the sibling chain.
function receiveFees(uint32 siblingChainSlug_) external payable;

* @notice Sets the minimum fees required for the destination chain to process the packet.
* @param nonce_ the nonce of fee Updater to avoid replay.
* @param dstChainSlug_ the unique identifier for the destination chain.
* @param switchboardFees_ the switchboard fee required for the destination chain to process the packet.
* @param verificationOverheadFees_ the verification fee required for the destination chain to process the packet.
* @param signature_ the signature of the request.
* @dev not important to override in all switchboards
function setFees(
uint256 nonce_,
uint32 dstChainSlug_,
uint128 switchboardFees_,
uint128 verificationOverheadFees_,
bytes calldata signature_
) external;