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Track Message Status

Tracks the status of a message


Header: x-api-key : 2Va1n3HzAS5XfXB8ELhX1aATJwzA1A72sNnJE1a0

Query Parameters

Query paramDescription
srcChainSlugSlug of source chain
srcTxHashTransaction hash where outbound method was called

Example Request

Note : Add the x-api-key header mentioned above in the request for authentication.

Response Parameters

statusMessage Status
messageIdUnique ID of message
packetIdUnique ID assigned to each Packet
from.srcChainSlugSlug of source chain where message is initiated
from.srcPlugAddress of message sender plug
to.dstChainSlugSlug of destination chain where message is executed
to.destPlugAddress of message receiver plug
outboundTxSource chain transaction hash where outbound method was called
packedMessagekeccak256 hash of encoded message details
inboundTxTransaction on destination chain where the inbound method on Socket is called
executionDetails.inboundStatusStatus of executing inbound method on destination Plug InboundStatus
executionDetails.isExecutedBoolean value indicating if message is executed on destination chain
executionDetails.executorAddress of Executor
executionDetails.executionTxHashDestination chain transaction hash where payload was executed

Types of messageStatus

RECEIVEDMessage added to capacitor queue for destination chain delivery
SEALEDPacket which includes the message has been sealed on source chain
PROPOSEDPacket which includes the message has been proposed on destination chain
ATTESTEDThe validity of the packet has been attested or verified on the destination chain
VERIFIEDThe message has been verified
EXECUTINGThe message is being executed
EXECUTION_FAILUREMessage execution failed
EXECUTION_SUCCESSMessage is successfully delivered to destination Plug
INBOUND_REVERTINGThe inbound method on the destination chain plug is reverting

Inbound status

NOT_TRIEDPayload execution not been tried yet
REVERTINGPayload execution is reverting on Plug's inbound method call
EXECUTINGPayload execution tx sent and is in progress
SUCCESSinbound method called and payload successfully executed