📄️ Capacitors
Capacitors are Socket Protocol defined Accumulators that accumulate or batch messages together for better gas efficiency. They are inspired by Capacitors in electrical circuits that store electrical-charges. Capacitors allow for in-protocol batching per switchboard, more messages queued equals more savings per message
📄️ Packet
Packet is a cryptographic representation of PackedMessages. Capacitor produces Packets as soon as PackedMessages are added to it.
📄️ Plugs
Smart contracts that connect to Socket to send messages to each other across chains are called Plugs. Before your Plugs can communicate to each other directly, you need to connect to Socket and inform Socket about your sibling Plugs. Plugs must “connect” or get “plugged into” Socket for each unique sibling network for sending/receiving messages.
📄️ Switchboards
Plugs connect to Socket via Switchboards(just like in real life). Switchboards are like open-source permissionless configuration bundles that plugs can opt into OR build their own configuration bundles.
📄️ TransmitManager
As messages get accumulated by the capacitor, transmitters can seal the capacitors whenever it's ready to discharge to seal the Packet and create